Sonntag, 27. Jänner 2008

"social entrepreneurs" session linklist: barcamp vienna 01/08

this is the linklist for the barcamp track "social entrepreneurs" of valerie hackl and hannes a. schwetz.
the presentation will be online soon.

Wikipedia-Social entrepreneurship
The next step for microcredit, Interview with Muhammad Yununs

Inbusiness-BBC-Peter Day, Not just for profit
Social Enterprise Coalition

Kiva-Small change, Big Payoff
Social money lending service Techcrunch Artikle
Mondragon Cooperative: Wikipedia, Brandeins

Income distribution
Longterm Trends Income Distribution in Austria - Update - Wifo

Social return on investment
Social Entrepreneur
Guy Kawasaki
Private Sector Development Blog
Social Edge Blog

Social Entrepreneurship Platforms

Schwab Foundation
Ashoka Germany
Social Edge (von Skoll Foundation)
Skoll Foundation

Skoll World Forum
"Doing good doing well" by IESE Business School Barcelona
Social Enterprise Conference by Harvard Business School
Annual General Assembly and Conference by European Foundation Centre (EFC) on 29-31 May

Social Venture Funds

"Finanzierung von Sozialunternehmen" von Ann-Kristin Achleitner, Reinhard Pöllath, und Erwin Stahl von Schäffer-Poeschel
"Ökonomie für den Menschen" von Amartya Sen
"Globalization and Its Discontents" von Joseph E. Stiglitz
[UPDATE 29.01.2008]
"Die Welt verändern" von David Bornstein
" Social Entrepreneurship" von Johanna Mair et al.
" Social Entrepreneurship" von Alex Nicholls